Mirchandani Would Be a Champion for Small Businesses as Yorktown Super

Originally printed in The Examiner News,

We have an election on Nov. 7 in Yorktown and I will be supporting Jann Mirchandani for town supervisor.

As the founder of TheNetWorks Organization, a networking group based in Yorktown for entrepreneurs, small businesses and community leaders, and as an active member of the community, I have crossed paths with Jann many times. In addition to being a successful small business owner herself, Jann is a strong supporter of small business owners and a hardworking advocate for members of our community.

Jann has helped many small businesses to grow by leveraging technology to enhance their operations, deploying strategic plans to streamline or improve their internal processes and by connecting these businesses with support in the governmental or nonprofit space. I know Jann to be professional as well as deliberative and intentional with decision-making, which has been the skill set she employs to help businesses grow.

I know that, if elected, Jann will use these same skills as town supervisor, and improving Yorktown for everyone.

Local elections matter. I encourage my fellow Yorktowners to get to know Jann and support her for town supervisor.

Cheryl Sanchez

Michandani’s Small Business Experience Would Be Great Fit for Yorktown

Originally printed in The Examiner News,

As a nearly 36-year Yorktown resident, I’m writing to voice my wholehearted endorsement of my good friend, Jann Mirchandani, for supervisor of the Town of Yorktown. I met Jann more than a decade ago through our volunteer work together on behalf of the membership of the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce. Jann and I worked to help small businesses become more successful, work which required creative and critical thinking (and a lot of empathy).

To support any business, you need to understand their trade, the varied clientele they do business with and how they can leverage the resources they have (as well as outside resources available to them) to grow and thrive.

In our work together, Jann has always exhibited a professional, even-tempered, savvy and highly competent manner. Her comments have been thoughtful, and she is able to pick up on important nuances that otherwise might escape scrutiny. We work together to make sure that many perspectives are considered before a decision point is selected, to ensure that the businesses we help receive thoughtful, useful direction.

I know that if elected supervisor, Jann will bring her broad experience and professional temperament to revitalize Yorktown and Town Hall. Transparency, accountability and open communication are extremely important in our work together, and I know she will prioritize these in her work for the citizens of Yorktown as well.

Charles (Chuck) Newman

Yorktown Supervisor Challenger’s Leadership, Dedication Key for Yorktown

Originally printed in The Examiner News,

I’ve been a Yorktown resident for 35 years and an active volunteer with the Boy Scouts, the Yorktown Grange and my local church.

I have had the sincere pleasure of knowing Jann Mirchandani for over eight years. I have been impressed by her work ethic, dedication and commitment to Scouting and making a positive impact on our community.

Jann and I serve together on the board of directors of the Westchester-Putnam Council of the Boy Scouts of America. In 2017, we worked together on a challenging membership initiative inviting girls to join Cub Scouting. Jann was integral to the months-long process of meeting with volunteers, families and chartering organizations to field questions, address concerns and secure buy-in. She worked with a pack here in Yorktown to pilot the Family Pack program, ultimately rolling it out more widely and resulting in multiple packs and troops open to girls in the Scouts BSA program.

In 2020, I worked with her once more on the Merger Taskforce. This team of volunteers conducted a feasibility study and successfully merged the Westchester-Putnam Council and the Hudson Valley Council into the Greater Hudson Valley Council, serving seven counties in the lower Hudson Valley. That process is now the national model for other such mergers between councils.

Jann was instrumental in the success of both projects. Her ability to actively listen to the concerns and ideas of all stakeholders created an inclusive and dynamic committee. This not only fostered collaboration but also ensured that every voice was heard and genuinely valued. She was proactive in identifying and addressing potential challenges ensuring things progressed smoothly.

I know Jann will bring the same leadership skills, dedication and passion for her community to the position of Yorktown supervisor

Josh Davies, Shrub Oak