Quast Has Proven Her Mettle as Yorktown Town Clerk Without Fanfare

Originally published in The Examiner News, October 3, 2023

I wanted to write about Yorktown’s current town clerk, Diana Quast, because I don’t know if people realize how much she does for our residents. No one ever hears about the activities and accomplishments of our town clerk.

Ms. Quast is very active with our senior population and does so much for them,

including making in-person visits when a resident cannot come to her office in town. Ms. Quast established a mobile town clerk’s office, where she visits senior residences and brings her office to them so they don’t have to make the trip to Town Hall, which many cannot. She doesn’t ignore our seniors, she accommodates them, much different than the norm today, and she understands the struggles that the elderly have, particularly those who are disadvantaged.

Diana has presented informational sessions to link residents with other government resources and hosted hot dog lunches and pizza lunches – all for those who need a little bit of attention to make them realize that they still matter.

Diana Quast has been the impetus behind many projects in town where she has never been mentioned or received credit for them. She has helped secure more than $1 million in grant funding for many projects including the Granite Knolls Sports & Recreational Center, the inclusive playground for children of all abilities at Granite Knolls and the skateboard park, among other projects that benefitted and continue to benefit our community.

Diana is also actively involved with many veterans and has worked to give them the recognition they deserve.

The reason most of our citizens don’t know about this is because she is not your typical politician. She does not crave the attention or credit. Her work and service are truly out of care and concern for her community.

Diana Quast was born and raised in Yorktown and has always believed in giving back to the place she calls home. I believe that we are fortunate to have a person as well-versed in municipal law that has years of experience on the job, has proven to be ethical and knowledgeable and who truly cares for the place that we call home as our representative in town government.

I hope we can do the same for her by re-electing Diana Quast as our town clerk.

Kathie Offner

Posted in A New Day For Yorktown Testimonials.