Canvassing and Making Connections

By Jann Mirchandani, Candidate for Yorktown Town Supervisor

One of the most heartwarming aspects of this campaign has been the opportunity to reconnect with friends and associates I haven’t seen in quite some time. Whether it’s talking to the parent of one of my daughter Nisha’s softball teammates, a friend and fellow volunteer from my son Arjay’s science research days, or a business associate from the Chamber of Commerce, it reminds me of the strong bonds that tie us together. 

We all want our children to have a good education and an opportunity to thrive. We all want to find engaging work that allows us to sustain ourselves spiritually and financially.

In conversation after conversation Yorktowners say they moved here – or stayed here – because Yorktown is a beautiful place to live and is a wonderful community. And we could not agree more!

The New Day For Yorktown slate believes in Yorktown and sees a bright future for our residents. We need to flip our one-party Town Board to make this possible; to ensure that decisions that impact residents are made in full public view.

And we are not alone! You are not alone. Neighbors all across Yorktown feel the same way. They are ready for change. We are getting a lot of encouragement from people in every District in town.

But we cannot afford to take anything for granted. Yorktown is going to be potentially the most competitive race in Westchester this year. Our opponents are well-funded and have the advantage of being incumbents.

In spite of this, we are undeterred. Our slate continues to work hard; canvassing daily, and making daily calls to raise much-needed funds. Our focus at this point is to get our message out and remind folks how important every single vote is.

Read about our first 100 day plan here.

As we keep moving towards our campaign goals, I am inspired by the support and camaraderie that surrounds us. I truly believe that together, we can make a positive impact on our town’s future.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Posted in A New Day For Yorktown News, Mirchandani4Yorktown News.