Town Board Meeting Highlights Frustrations Over Poorly Crafted Laws


March, 22, 2014

Town Board Meeting Highlights Frustrations Over Poorly Crafted Laws

Yorktown, NY – A recent Town Board meeting that stretched into the early morning hours has left residents exasperated over the presentation of two poorly written proposed laws regarding the usage of ATVs and the revision of the town’s ethics code.

The meeting, which began at 7:30 pm on Tuesday and didn’t conclude until 1:30 am, saw a litany of criticisms from residents over the inadequacies of the proposed legislation.

The draft law concerning the usage of ATVs was widely panned for failing to distinguish between all-terrain vehicles and electric bicycles, a crucial distinction that residents argued was a glaring oversight. Among those who spoke out was a resident who had been the victim of an attack by a group of ATV riders just last year, underscoring the urgency for clear and comprehensive regulations. Residents pointed out that there have been calls for stronger restrictions on ATV use for years with no action.

Frustrations also mounted over the proposed revisions to the town’s ethics code, which many argued represented a significant weakening of current law. Residents cited the inconsistent and highly subjective use of language leaving the law open to abuse. Examples cited include removing the word “indirect” in the sections on Rules of Ethical Conduct and Disclosure Requirements and allowing officials to accept gifts except under “circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence him, or could be reasonably expected to influence him in the performance of his official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his part.”

“It’s deeply concerning to see such poorly crafted laws being presented for public hearings,” said Jann Mirchandani, candidate for Yorktown Town Supervisor. “And this is coming on the heels of the meeting last week where the board was forced to pass moratoriums on two other poorly worded laws; the large-scale solar law and the vape shop law.”

Mirchandani pointed out that poorly written laws leave the town open to litigation and render them difficult, if not impossible, to enforce.

“Inaction and delays in addressing critical issues like ATV regulations and ethics reforms are having a direct negative impact on Yorktown residents,” Mirchandani stated. “The failure to bring all stakeholders together in a collaborative lawmaking process fosters an environment of distrust and erodes faith in local government.”


The public can watch the Town Board meeting on the Town’s website.

  • The public hearing on the ATV law begins at approximately 1:56.
  • The public hearing on the Ethics law begins at approximately 3:26
Posted in Mirchandani4Yorktown News.