Jann Mirchandani Receives Key Endorsements


Jann Mirchandani, candidate for Yorktown Supervisor, in next Tuesday’s special election has received key endorsements. Despite the tightened time frame of this election, Mirchandani has secured endorsements from important unions, key Yorktown residents, and significant regional organizations, including: the Westchester Putnam Central Labor Body (WPCLB), SWAC PAC, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, Eleanor’s Legacy and Women Democrats of Westchester.

Alice Roker, said: “As a former Town Clerk, Town Councilwoman and Town Supervisor, I have deep experience in Yorktown’s local government and a long history of community leadership. I know firsthand the challenges the town faces and the steady, principled approach needed to address them. That is why I am proud to endorse Jann Mirchandani for Town Supervisor.

Jann has the qualifications and vision to move Yorktown forward. Her decades of experience in finance, business ownership, and community involvement make her the right choice to lead our town. Equally important, Jann will bring much-needed diverse perspectives and inclusive decision-making to the Town Board. I urge all Yorktown residents to join me in supporting Jann Mirchandani for Town Supervisor in the special election on April 16th.”

Jann Mirchandani said: “I am proud to have been endorsed by Alice Roker who has such respect here in Yorktown and knows what it takes to be successful as a Supervisor. And the support of labor through SWAC PAC and the WPCLB means a lot; this country can only thrive with a strong middle class which Unions help to protect.”

Mirchandani added, “the Sierra Club rarely endorses in local elections and their support means a lot. After record flooding last summer and years of overdevelopment, the environment is on the ballot.”

Early voting has started and will run through Sunday, April 14th. Election day is Tuesday, April 16th.

Watch the recent Supervisor debate here.

Yorktown Democratic Committee logo

Yorktown Code Enforcement Officer Removing Candidate’s Sign From Candidate’s Private Property


Yorktown Supervisor candidate, Jann Mirchandani, says she is focusing on the issues important to Yorktown residents while fielding questions from volunteers about missing campaign signs and banners that appear to be vandalized.

Mirchandani has photographs of her campaign sign being removed from her backyard by the Town’s code enforcement officer, who reports to the Deputy Supervisor. The sign was later retrieved – along with 5 additional signs – by using a GPS tracking device. A police report has been filed.

“I continue to talk about my plan for using the $22 million in excess fund balance to invest in needed infrastructure projects, redeveloping vacant and blighted buildings, transitioning the town to cleaner energy sources, and strengthening the local ethics law,” says Mirchandani. “Those are the things that matter to the taxpayers.”

Mirchandani got the idea to use a tracking device for her signs from the story of Town of Fishkill Councilman John Forman. Forman was the Republican candidate for town supervisor in 2023 and had been charged after collecting 30 signs that opposed his campaign. One of the signs was equipped with a tracking device. 

“I will stay focused on the issues and leave the politics as usual to the politicians.”


Transparency Requires Open Dialogue

Note: the following letter was submitted to Yorktown News/Halston Media and The Examiner

Dear Editor,

As the Democratic candidate for Yorktown Town Supervisor, I feel compelled to respond to the deeply troubling statements made by my opponent, Councilman Ed Lachterman, regarding campaign donations, ethics in local government, and public discourse more broadly.

In our recent debate, Councilman Lachterman defended accepting campaign contributions from individuals and businesses that have issues pending before the Town Board on which he serves. He went so far as to frame these questions as an attack on the First Amendment rights of free speech. He has also previously called out a Yorktown resident as being “un-American” for questioning campaign donations.

Questioning the donor/decision-maker relationship is a civic responsibility, not an “un-American” affront to free speech as the Councilman has claimed.

Mr. Lachterman’s use of such language and complaints of “weaponizing” the process of raising legitimate concerns is a blatant attempt to shut down opposing points of view and delegitimize debate.

Yorktown is facing issues that require open, honest, and robust debate; balancing the need to increase and diversify our housing stock with preserving green space, transitioning to cleaner energy while keeping taxes down, and encouraging redevelopment of vacant storefronts and blighted buildings.

Effective leadership requires inviting opposing points of view, not shutting them down.

Jann Mirchandani
Democratic Candidate, Yorktown Town Supervisor


Yorktown Supervisor Candidate Jann Mirchandani Expresses Concern Over Opponent’s Pattern of Misleading and Incorrect Statements


March 25, 2024

Yorktown Supervisor Candidate Jann Mirchandani Expresses Concern Over Opponent’s Pattern of Misleading and Incorrect Statements  

Yorktown, NY – Candidate Jann Mirchandani today sounded the alarm over her opponent Ed Lachterman’s unethical conduct, including disseminating misleading information, falsely identifying his title as Supervisor on the Town’s website, calling resident concerns over his acceptance of donations from those with business before the town “unAmerican” (Yorktown News, 11/02/23), and working to weaken Yorktown’s ethics law.

“Any single one of these actions would be troubling,” stated Mirchandani. “But the undeniable pattern of misinformation and disinformation here is profoundly alarming.”

Mirchandani points to her opponent’s use of the official town platforms – the Town newsletter, social media accounts and website – in this manner as a clear breach of ethics and an insult to Yorktown voters. Per the resolution passed by the Town Board on January 31st, “Councilman Edward A. Lachterman shall act in the stead of the late Honorable Thomas P. Diana, as Deputy Town Supervisor, but shall remain as Town Councilman.”

“The fact that he has left these incorrect and misleading statements on the Town’s website after having them pointed out, shows that he is not concerned with being factual or accurate in his dealings with the public,” says Mirchandani.


Town Board Meeting Highlights Frustrations Over Poorly Crafted Laws


March, 22, 2014

Town Board Meeting Highlights Frustrations Over Poorly Crafted Laws

Yorktown, NY – A recent Town Board meeting that stretched into the early morning hours has left residents exasperated over the presentation of two poorly written proposed laws regarding the usage of ATVs and the revision of the town’s ethics code.

The meeting, which began at 7:30 pm on Tuesday and didn’t conclude until 1:30 am, saw a litany of criticisms from residents over the inadequacies of the proposed legislation.

The draft law concerning the usage of ATVs was widely panned for failing to distinguish between all-terrain vehicles and electric bicycles, a crucial distinction that residents argued was a glaring oversight. Among those who spoke out was a resident who had been the victim of an attack by a group of ATV riders just last year, underscoring the urgency for clear and comprehensive regulations. Residents pointed out that there have been calls for stronger restrictions on ATV use for years with no action.

Frustrations also mounted over the proposed revisions to the town’s ethics code, which many argued represented a significant weakening of current law. Residents cited the inconsistent and highly subjective use of language leaving the law open to abuse. Examples cited include removing the word “indirect” in the sections on Rules of Ethical Conduct and Disclosure Requirements and allowing officials to accept gifts except under “circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence him, or could be reasonably expected to influence him in the performance of his official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his part.”

“It’s deeply concerning to see such poorly crafted laws being presented for public hearings,” said Jann Mirchandani, candidate for Yorktown Town Supervisor. “And this is coming on the heels of the meeting last week where the board was forced to pass moratoriums on two other poorly worded laws; the large-scale solar law and the vape shop law.”

Mirchandani pointed out that poorly written laws leave the town open to litigation and render them difficult, if not impossible, to enforce.

“Inaction and delays in addressing critical issues like ATV regulations and ethics reforms are having a direct negative impact on Yorktown residents,” Mirchandani stated. “The failure to bring all stakeholders together in a collaborative lawmaking process fosters an environment of distrust and erodes faith in local government.”


The public can watch the Town Board meeting on the Town’s website.

  • The public hearing on the ATV law begins at approximately 1:56.
  • The public hearing on the Ethics law begins at approximately 3:26

Strengthening Yorktown’s Ethics Law

Strengthening Yorktown’s ethic law was part of my 100-day plan when I campaigned for Supervisor in 2023. I spoke at the October 17, 2023 Town Board meeting and challenged the Board to bring the revisions to the ethics law, proposed by the Board of Ethics in 2022, up for a vote.

When the Board brought up the ethics revisions at the February 6, 2024 Board meeting, I was surprised, but happy that this was moving forward.

Then I read the proposed revisions to the law. Rather than increasing transparency and strengthening the law, the changes significantly weaken it.

Of particular concern:

  1. Removing the word “indirect” in Section 45-5 A (Rules of Ethical Conduct) and Section 45-8 A (Disclosure Requirements). This critical deletion materially weakens the law by not requiring Town officials and employees from disclosing conflicts of interest where there is indirect benefit and allowing them to participate in decision making where there is indirect benefit.
  2. Creates a potential loophole for accepting gifts over $75. Rather than disallowing gifts over this amount, which is fairly standard, the proposed law allows such gifts except under “circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence him, or could be reasonably expected to influence him in the performance of his official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his part.”
  3. Confining an investigation to the four corners of the original complaint. This would limit the board from looking at whether a breach was a single oversight or a pattern of behavior.
  4. Lack of public accountability. The Town Board gives itself the option to redact information that would inform the public of the subject of the investigation. It also fails to require a public reporting of the violations themselves.

Along with a dedicated group of volunteers, and a former member of the Ethics Board, I have put together a proposed law that will strengthen Yorktown’s ethics law and increase transparency and accountability. I am making this proposal publicly available below. The document includes the original law, the Town Board’s proposed changes as well as our proposed changes.

A note to supporters

I did not expect to be reaching out again so soon!

The Yorktown Town Board, however, has called for a special election on April 16 to fill the Supervisor position after the sudden passing of Tom Diana.

I am proud to say the Yorktown Democrats once again unanimously nominated me to run for Yorktown Supervisor.

The issues that motivated me to run last year haven’t changed. Accountability, fiscal responsibility, and quality-of-life issues such as roads and sewers were the driving force of the campaign last year.

We ran a solid campaign which resonated with voters and in November we earned 46% of the vote. I believe we can build on that momentum and be successful in April.

But while the issues are the same, our time frame is very different. If last year’s campaign was a marathon, this is very much a sprint. We have just 10 weeks before the election.

One of our biggest challenges will be to ensure voters are aware there is an election; that they are not done after they vote in the primaries on April 2.

The shortened timeframe will mean this cycle will actually be more expensive than last time. We will need to rely more on mailers, paid ads and lawn signs this time around. We will also need palm cards for volunteers to have on hand when they are out petitioning for our State and Federal candidates.

I am once again dedicating myself to a vigorous campaign and hope you will join me.

Any contribution is appreciated and will make a difference in us reaching voters.

Warmly and with Gratitude,


Please send your check made out to Friends of Jann Mirchandani to:

Friends of Jann Mirchandani
1403 Hanover St.,
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Budget Passes, But Leaves Concerns About Fund Balance and Tax Exemptions


While most of us are busy focusing on work and family obligations, the municipal budgeting process should not be ignored. Our town budget tells a story and outlines what our priorities are as a community.

It is with that mindset a group of residents dug into the 2024 proposed budget to learn more about the priorities set by the Yorktown Town Board for the coming year. Two themes in particular caught my attention; we have an exceedingly high fund balance with no concrete plans to invest in improvements and the 485-b tax exemptions continue to unnecessarily shift the tax burden to Yorktown homeowners.

Over the past year during the election cycle, there was considerable discussion about investing in our infrastructure. Increased flooding and climate impacts have made this a concern for many. However, these critical projects did not translate into planned projects under the approved 2024 budget.

Residents asked several questions at the recent Town Board budget review meeting that directly or indirectly touched on infrastructure.

  • How are we planning for sewer expansion for current and future developments? An environmental issue as much as a convenience or homeowner-specific concern impacting home values, sewers are critical.
  • How are we transitioning to clean energy for cost savings and reducing our impact on the environment? The science is clear that action must be taken in all due haste to avoid the worst effects of a warming planet.
  • How are we using the Tree Fund money? Yorktown collects the money but has not identified a plan to invest the money to replace removed trees; they will only grow if planted.

There is no clear plan, and a trivial amount of money set aside for such priorities.

A reasonable person may ask, as costs are rising for virtually everything, how will we fund the necessary expansion of our infrastructure without raising taxes?

A town budget is not dissimilar from a household budget. Expenses (roads, sewers, library, trash removal) are typically paid for out of income (taxes, fees). Prudent planning dictates setting aside a reserve of money for unexpected expenses (water main breaks, flooding, ice storm) normally recommended at 15% of budgeted expenses. Most accountants will tell you to be conservative in how you plan; assume your revenue to be on the low end and your expenses on the high end. Money that is budgeted that does not get spent goes into the Fund Balance (savings).

The NYS Comptroller explains that fund balances can be useful in offsetting revenue shortfalls in poor economic times as well as covering unexpected expenditures. They can also stabilize taxes and maintain services without budget cutbacks, and importantly, improve long‐term planning initiatives.

Our recently passed 2024 budget arguably performs the first objective of stabilizing taxes. However, I believe it is not a prudent long-term strategy to pay for operating costs out of savings. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, it does virtually nothing for the second objective as it relates to transitioning to clean energy or expanding our sewers. So while the appropriated fund balance went up 20% this year these two critical long-term projects remain neglected.

Yorktown has $47.8 million in our Fund Balance funds, well in excess of recommended levels. Of that, $2.2 million is allocated for expenses and $20.7 million is restricted, assigned or non-spendable, leaving $27 million in unassigned fund balance.

There are statutory limitations on how it can be invested so unlike your retirement fund, our fund balance cannot be tied up in high-interest-earning accounts or investments. As a result, Yorktown taxpayers pay a hefty opportunity cost for having millions of dollars sitting idle.

Supervisor Tom Diana and the Town Board made statements at the budget review meeting that they are “looking at” ways to transition to clean energy yet offer no plan. Looking at a problem and investing in finding solutions are not the same. Responsible fiscal management dictates spending down some of the fund balance. Clean energy and sewer expansion are two critical projects that are worthy of such investment.

The infrastructure improvements referenced in last week’s Yorktown News (“Yorktown budget calls for slight tax increase”) – paving and fixing water main breaks – are NOT improvements. They are maintenance projects that should be budgeted for through the town’s revenue streams.

Another opportunity cost comes as a result of how our current 485-b law handles commercial tax exemptions.

Commercial investment in town is good; commercial real estate taxes help offset residential taxes. A strong business economy is a good indicator of a municipality’s overall health. So it would seem a sensible policy to create an environment that welcomes business partners to the community.

To that end, the town passed 485-b Tax Exemptions in 2016. The “Business Improvement Exemption Law,” as it is formally called, is meant to incentivize business investment and provides a partial exemption from property tax on commercial, business or industrial property construction or improvements over 10 years.

The concern raised at the budget meeting is that there are no meaningful restrictions on who receives these exemptions; they are granted “as of right.” Meaning, that if you apply, you get it. This raises the question of whether we are giving away money – would these businesses be improved or built without the incentive of tax abatement – leaving residents to pick up the difference?

An article published on May 18 calculated that the 485-b abatements for six development projects resulted in $2.2MM in lost tax revenue between April 2018 and April 2022. Two of these projects – Lowes and Optum (formerly CareMount) – would have come in anyway.

There was no answer provided at the budget review meeting as to why have we not reevaluated our 485-b policy. Certainly, it is a balancing act. But if the Town Board does not evaluate the cost to residents of such an initiative, it does beg the question, what is their priority; commercial developers or residential taxpayers?

One question that did receive a response was the question of the “rec fees” associated with new development. Residents expressed concern for new developments in Town that were not paying park fees and the issue of maintenance of our park facilities came up several times. The disrepair of several tennis courts and lighting at Granite Knolls were mentioned as projects residents felt needed immediate action. The concern of allowing developers to avoid paying the “rec fee” was raised with Underhill Farms being mentioned specifically.

The Board made clear that fees are collected in lieu of adequate recreation space in the new development or such recreational space is otherwise impractical. Additionally, where this is the case and money is collected, the funds must be used in proximity to the development and cannot be used for the maintenance of existing parks.

In the particular case of Underhill Farms, the project complies with the “recreation” component of a residential plan. The money they are paying is in addition to complying with this requirement and does not fall under the restrictive spending guidelines.

The Board agrees this law should be changed. Reportedly, they are in the process of making changes which would “see something always coming in” from new developments that would not have the same restrictions.

Yorktown residents point to our green spaces as one of our shared priorities. Universally, we agree our green spaces make Yorktown what it is. I believe we can successfully balance the competing needs of diversifying our housing stock with responsibly managing our parks.

It’s clear that our Town Board needs to stop putting off infrastructure projects that we can afford to do now. It’s clear that our Town Board needs to stop passing on the tax bill to residents in favor of corporations. And it’s clear that developers should pay their full share to maintain our decaying parks.

Jann Mirchandani
Yorktown Heights

Shaw Leadership, Professional Skills Makes Him Right Fit for Yorktown

Originally printed in The Examiner New,

I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse Steve Shaw’s candidacy for Yorktown Town Board. Having known Steve for several years, I am confident in his ability to serve our community effectively. Steve possesses a unique combination of professional expertise and personal values that make him an outstanding candidate.
As a project manager with an extensive background in overseeing complex initiatives, Steve has honed his leadership skills through years of experience. He understands the importance of clear communication, transparency and accountability in achieving successful outcomes. Steve’s commitment to these beliefs has been a hallmark of his career, and I have no doubt that he will bring these principles to his role as councilman.
One of the qualities that sets Steve apart is his unwavering dedication to Yorktown. I have had numerous conversations with him about our town’s issues, and his passion for its improvement is evident.
Moreover, Steve’s ability to foster collaboration and bring diverse perspectives to the table is exceptional. He is a great listener who values input from those involved and is always open to constructive feedback. This collaborative approach will be invaluable as he works with fellow council members to address the challenges facing our community.
I wholeheartedly endorse Steve Shaw as an exceptional candidate and a terrific individual for Yorktown councilman. I believe his character, integrity and leadership skills are what this community is looking for. I have every confidence that Steve will work tirelessly to make Yorktown an even better place to live.


Timothy Nelson